We adapt our care to your personal needs

An elderly person is often frail and therefore they have to be medically observed. Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, rheumatism, poor eye-sight, poor hearing, heart, muscle or orthopaedic problems and degenerating, neurological diseases, impose a specific way of life so as to keep the overall health of the elderly in good condition or even improve.

At AGKALI medical observation, care and treatment of the elderly is totally individualized. For us every human is a unique being with their own problems and peculiarities. There are some aspects that should be taken into consideration and medication that should be followed.

Therefore, we take down and keep a detailed medical report of every guest that helps us to look after them individually. Their medical observation, diet, medication, medical tests, mobility activities and exercises as well as the special care they need, will all depend on this medical report and personal needs.